Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fat Burning Furnace Review

    About The Author, Rob Poulos. The Fat Burning Furnace program is the creation of Rob and his wife Kalen Poulos. Poulos is a US based fitness expert who writes extensively on health and weight loss topics. His inspiration for the Fat Burning Furnace program was drawn from his early struggles with weight and associated ill health. Having lost some 40+ pounds and corrected life long obesity issues, he and his wife took the techniques contained within “FBF” to personal clients and achieved compelling results. Poulos with his wife Kalen then created and penned the Fat Burning Furnace program. Fat Burning Furnace Overview ( What’s It All About). The Fat Burning Furnace System s is a 158 page long , (excluding meal plans and recipes) guide which focuses primarily on fat loss, but also deals with toning up lean muscle and improving overal health and longevity. The program’s core principle is that fat loss is not engineered by consistently lowering calories. Poulos states the practise of constantly cutting calories typically results in hunger, cravings, a slow down in your metabolic rate and therefore a decrease in calories burnt which leads to dieting plateaus whereby individuals are simply unable to lose any more weight despite cutting calories further. While calorie control is an element of the program, Fat Burning Furnace takes a different primary direction, using Poulos exercise and nutrition program to increase your RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) . Poulos provides an extensive set of workout programs which are structured specifically to increase your RMR . The nutrition element is also strategically designed to assist the workouts in increasing RMR. When your RMR is raised you’re increasing your metabolic rate burning more calories when you’re working out but also, more importantly, burning hundreds more calories during the day, even when sleeping. The benefit of of increasing your metabolism via a higher RMR means extra calories burnt , more energy , and a fat reduction whilst negating the requirement for individuals to drastically cut calories. When all the factors come together, there’s a synergistic effect which results in favorable body composition improvements, ie, fat loss and lean muscle tone. RMR based diet plans have a respectable combination of peer reviewed and real world data to support their efficiency.   Fat Burning Furnace Exercise Program. Poulos doesn’t go near a stationary bike or similar pieces of equipment, if you’re looking for a guide on how to do long cardiovascular workouts , do not buy Fat Burning Furnace, if you’re purely into long cardio sessions for fat loss and enjoy that method, this isn’t a suitable program for you. The workouts centre around resistance training you do at home with either little equipment or none at all. The workouts are approximately 25-35 minutes long. The workouts are completed as whole body workout to maximize fat burning effects, but also to increase flexibility , toning and strength. The exercises are completed very slowly to avoid injury and to burn additional calories. This approach does allow individuals to tone their bodies, and in some scenarios build a little lean muscle. As muscle burns fat, it’s a metabolically active tissue, this allows for additional calorie burning. Lean toned muscle mass is also responsible for the often admired “beach body” look for men and women. The program contains dozens of photo guides of the workouts and you can upgrade to a video instruction package of the program. There’s a “for seniors” guide and a “beginners” guide to accompany the main product. The Fat Burning Furnace Diet / Food Choices. (Pages 105-141) Most programs concentrate on macro-nutrients, (carbs, protein and fat). Poulos however focusses more on micro-nutrients .Micro-nutrients are the vitamins and minerals that our body uses to perform optimally but also to help burn fat naturally. The focus of the diet section, is to stop concentrating on measuring foods and start focussing purely on choosing foods which are packed with the right nutrients. By focusing on vitamins and minerals in your diet , by choosing the foods that deliver health benefits to you , not just calories, you end up eating less calories and more nutrient packed foods which fuel your body and make you a more efficient fat burning machine at rest. This all ties in with the exercise element in FBF which is all about improving your RMR so you’re burning more calories at rest, when you combine the FBF training program and the diet together it’s a solid combination as far as fat loss and energy deficits go. You’re effectively working with your bodies natural ability to shed fat rather than against it by constantly cutting calories which result in an overall metabolic slowdown. In regards food types, Poulos, is not big at all on the popular high protein diets, the diet recommends a good volume of your dietary protein requirements from vegetables, nuts, pulses grains etc , as again they fit into the criteria of offering a lot of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins etc. The program details extensively the food choices with menus and recipes, along with lists and tables of suggested foods and alternatives. The program also supplies you with a number of pre made diets and snacks and some of the tricks and techniques he uses in the kitchen to minimise fat gain during cooking and preparation. These sections are all fine, people like easy lists, so it’s a positive he provides them for folk who want everything laid out for them.   Pro Points For Fat Burning Furnace. Work out at home. No long duration cardio workouts (not a great positive if you like long cardio sessions) Solid dietary plan based on eating natural healthy foods. Meal Plans Included. Email support in case you have questions. Suitable for men and women of any age. Focusses on quality nutrition and resistance training to tone and firm the body while losing fat. Negative Points For Fat Burning Furnace About 5 plugs for his preferred multivitamin company, a recommendation would have been fine. If you’re into doing long traditional cardio sessions and love it, it’s not for you. Would have been nice if the videos of the exercises were included in the basic package. Physical version only available as an extra charge once you order. Book Layout & Format. Clean looking colour cover featuring Ron and Kalen his wife. Plain white background on internal pages. Clear 12 point font with size control turned on if you want to increase it. Total book length 162 pages including various charts, diets, and workouts etc. Fat Burning Furnace Scam For review purposes, we purchased the product, as it’s entirely delivered online (this is NOT a physical book) we had the goods in our hands within 60 seconds of ordering. That included the calculators, meal plans, the main program and various other tools and bonuses. Our card was charged accordingly and correctly. The program is covered by the Better Business Bureau, and maintains a grade “A” rating. There is a link at the top of this review to confirm their status. Fat Burning Furnace Before & After Case Studies Poulos has a large number of case studies and before and after video testimonials on his site. They can be read / viewed by clicking here. What Does The Fat Burning Furnace Program Include? Fat Burning Furnace currently has 3 packages available. The Deluxe Package contains all you need including the fat burning furnace book itself but also 3 months of e-mail coaching. Quite nice to have contact with the author who wrote the program – always useful. The Ultimate Package is the same price as the deluxe but confusingly also includes the following for no additional cost. The Metabolic Calculator Body Fat Analyser Progress tracking software. * The “Blow Torch “ Package , is the big upgrade , hours of videos showing Poulos in his home performing all the exercises in the program. If you like learning via video its a worthwhile upgrade, if not , give it a miss and stick with the Ultimate $39.97 package. Fat Burning Furnace Costs The Fat Burning Furnace program has two prices depending on the package you choose. Fat Burning Furnace Deluxe package is $39.97. The Ultimate package is also priced at $39.97 currently (special offer) comes with a number of bells and whistles. The Blow Torch Package at the time of writing was $67 and has the added benefit of hours of video of Poulos performing the exercises. NOTE: They are currently running a “try before you buy” option. You pay $4.97 today that offer is available from here Customer Support Rating We sent in a support ticket on the 1st Feb at 11:04 AM, we received a response on the 1st Feb at 5:42 PM, around 6 hours in total. The response was detailed and courteous. We have had quicker responses from vendors but this is about average and acceptable baring in mind time zone issues etc. Final Conclusion & Overall Rating. Fat Burning Furnace contains a cardiovascular program (via resistance) and a pure resistance element for toning and firming along with a straight forward health orientated nutrition program based on consuming nutrient rich food types. The program adheres to important factors such as increasing your metabolic rate, a good functional diet and it addresses key factors such as ensuring you get a toned body as you’re losing fat to avoid that “skinny-fat” look. Overall a well put together program with plenty of guidance, solid support and no specific downfall to speak off. User feedback is positive and the program has a database of verified before and after success stories. The Fat Burning Furnace program is suitable and safe for those looking to reduce fat using a healthy diet and measured exercise program. Recommended.     Click Here For More Details Or To Buy The Fat Burning Furnace

27 Days On The Fat Burning Furnace..

    So I bet you’re wondering if the Fat Burning Furnace can really help you lose weight. That’s the question I had about a month ago when I heard about this product. It’s now 27 days later and I would like to share my experience of it with you. Before I get started if you’re not familiar with the Fat Burning Furnace here is their website - My name’s Grace and before I started the Fat Burning Furnace program I was around 40 pounds overweight according to my doctor! The doctor told me that I needed to make changes in my life or I would just carry on gaining weight and end up in an early grave. Now there’s a lot of people out there that don’t listen to doctors but I did and as soon as I left his office I went on a mission to lose weight! The first thing that I did was to just start jogging and swimming which worked because I lost around 5 pounds but for some reason I just couldn’t get past that 5 pound mark even though I was jogging and swimming like a mad girl. Apparently according to someone on an internet forum jogging and swimming is good for losing water weight which isn’t real fat. So I was back to square one! The next thing I did was search around the internet for weight loss programs and in my search I saw an ad for the Fat Burning Furnace. Now when I first saw this website I thought it looked silly with the cartoons and stuff and didn’t think it would help me. But a couple of days later the strangest thing happened! I was taking my daughter to her Saturday swimming club and I got chatting to a few of the other Moms there and I let them know about my need to lose weight and out of the blue Karen (one of the Moms) said to me..
“You should try the Fat Burning Furnace, I’ve lost 6 pounds on it already”
What a coincidence! So I decided to buy the Fat Burning Furnace when I went home. The transaction went smoothly and after I purchased I was able to instantly get what I paid for.

So What Is The Fat Burning Furnace?

Well it’s a diet and workout program. The diet recommends that you eat good carbs and good fats. There are many recipes and tutorials included so you wont be left in the dark on what to eat. The recipes are all quite simple to make so even if you’re not great in the kitchen you’ll be able to follow the diet section. The workouts are intense but don’t last very long! They only last around 20 minutes but it that time you’ll burn of 500+ calories. The workouts are designed to target fat burning. From what I understand of the workouts they help to boost your metabolism and the workouts have an effect on the body for up to 2 days which means that even after you finish the workout your body will continue to burn fat for the next couple of days, even while you sleep which means that you could go to sleep and find that when you wake up you’ve lost weight. The workouts are designed to increase your RMR which means resting metabolic rate. So by increasing your RMR you will burn more calories even while you are resting. Because these workouts make your body continue to burn calories and fat for up to 2 days you’ll only do the workouts every 2-3 days. There are lots of pictures in the guide to help you learn the workouts but I recommend going for the upgrade because there are video tutorials and extra workouts and information to help you burn fat.

Can You Do The Workouts At Home?

Yes, the Fat Burning Furnace workouts can be done in your own home. You can do them at a gym if you want to but I personally do them in my living room! Some light weights are recommended and can be bought quite cheaply.

My Final Word About The Fat Burning Furnace

So when I started the Fat Burning Furnace 27 days ago I was around 40 pounds overweight, well since then I have lost 14 pounds of fat! This means I have only 26 pounds to go before I’ll be a “healthy” weight and I just know that I can do it now thanks to the Fat Burning Furnace. Let me be completely honest, it took a bit of will power to follow the diet and not go back to my old McDonald eating days and the workouts although they are short they were hard at first. The first time I did the workout I couldn’t complete it but I just carried on and by the third time I did the workout I could finally complete it. For the first 2 weeks I didn’t notice much weight loss but then the pounds just started to fall off and every day now I am losing weight and looking better. I can see a noticeable difference now I’ve lost 14 pounds. I look healthier and I have more energy. I also feel happier and have more confidence. I just can’t wait to lose those final 26 pounds! Listen, if you want to lose weight then I recommend you get the Fat Burning Furnace program. You need to look past the silly cartoon sales page and just trust that it works. I put my faith in it and have no regrets. I also recommend the upgrade deluxe package because there’s videos and extras that I found really helpful. Anyway. Thanks so much for visiting my little Fat Burning Furnace review. Here is the official website –