Sunday, June 19, 2011


Fat Burning Furnace Review FBF Diet

Our Fat Burning Furnace Review:

Score:  4.75
Website: Click Here
Owner: Rob Poulos
Company: Zero to Hero Fitness LLC
Delivery Method: Instant Download
Fat Burning Furnace BluePrint
Fat Burning Furnace BluePrint
Workout Logs
Workout Logs
Metabolic Rate Calculator
Metabolic Rate Calculator
Welcome to our Review of the Fat Burning Furnace  Diet Plan. We take Diet Reviews seriously, and we thoroughly read every diet plan we review so you can be confident that the information on this page is accurate and honest.
Most Fat Burning Furnace Reviews are full of inaccurate information and if you’re like us you just want to know if the program works so you don’t waste time and money. We think that FBF is one of the most complete diet and weight-loss programs on the market, and encourage you to read our whole review to learn why.
Also, some of you may be worried that Fat Burning Furnace is a scam. Before we get into the review we want to assure you that Fat Burning Furnace is not a scam. FBF is a real Diet Program by author Rob Poulos and his wife Kalen, and it includes a 60-day full money-back guarantee. Also, we’ve found FBF customer service to be excellent – so order with confidence.
Finally, if you have questions about FBF that aren’t answered is our reviews, please ask in the comment box at the bottom. Sound good? Let’s get started.

What’s Included in the FBF Diet

Fat Burning Furnace includes:
  • The 160-page FBF Blueprint eBook,
  • 12 months of email coaching
  • Ultimate Success Tool Kit
  • Workout Logs
  • Metabolic Rate Calculator
  • Body Fat Percentage Analyzer
  • Nutrient Rich Recipes
  • Free updates for 1 year

Fat Burning Furnace Secrets

The Fat Burning Furnace Blueprint focuses on two secrets that top athletes and trainers have known for decades, and which are easy for non-athletes to follow, too:
  1. Secret #1: Rather than encouraging you to slave away in the gym for hours, doing separate cardio and strength training exercises, Fat Burning Furnace makes use of a simple, proven technique that keeps your workout short, yet powerful!
    What is this technique? Rob combines modified, high-intensity strength training with cardio training. He calls this program the “15 minute miracle’. While we’ve found this workout can take 20-30 minutes, it still delivers on its’ promise to shorten your workout time by approximately half, while dramatically improving your level of fitness.
  2. Secret #2: Eat balanced and nutrient-rich food to fuel your body. While this principle is nothing new, the eating plan that Rob teaches is unique and easy to follow. You’ll learn that not all calories are equal as some are hard for your body to process, while others are easy. The more work your body puts into breaking down food, the more food get’s stored all over your body as fat! Find out which foods will naturally help you burn fat and stay lean!
Both the exercise routine and the eating plan take into account recently discovered health information and optimized techniques for weight loss, fitness, and health.
High Intensity Strength Training: The premise is that our body becomes a ‘fat burning furnace’ as we build a higher RMR, or resting metabolic rate, through increased muscle mass and lowered body fat. The ‘high intensity’ part may sound scary, but the reality is that most people can easily do the exercises that Rob illustrates for us. He covers proper weight lifting techniques, and even has a ‘Beginners Break In Routine’ for those who haven’t lifted weights recently – or at all.
Most of us equate weight lifting with the Gym, but even if you don’t have access to a gym you can still do the FBF diet. Rob gives you bodyweight-only exercises you can use in place of weights.
The nice thing about Fat Burning Furnace is that no cardio is required! That means no jogging, no ellipticals, and no treadmills. Rob has designed the ’15 Minute Miracle’ to replace traditional cardio with fast weight-lifting repetitions, so you do your cardio and weight lifting all at the same time. This method may seem non traditional, but I’ve been using it myself for the past several months, and it really works!
The Fat Burning Furnace Diet Plan: The Fat Burning Furnace Diet Blueprint requires that you eat a well rounded, whole food diet. Rob also gives you the tools to calculate your caloric requirements. Nothing new here, right?
The Fat Burning Furnace diet plan has been updated, and covers topics such as managing leptin (important for weight management), organic foods, PH and alkalinity, glycemic index and proper meal management. You may wonder what leptin and PH have to do with weight loss, but Rob does an excellent job of explaining everything in language that’s easy to understand.

Fat Burning Furnace Pros:

  • Easy to follow diet
  • Efficient exercise program
  • Well-illustrated weight lifting section
  • Email support included
  • Common sense plan for long term living
  • Works for vegetarians too

FBF Diet Cons:

  • Requires some meal preparation
  • Restricts meat, sugar, alcohol, processed foods

Diet is right for you if:

You see the benefit of getting into shape at the same time as you lose weight.

Our Take

Fat Burning Furnace was written by Rob Poulos, who suffered from childhood obesity. As a result, Rob spent over 15 years designing, testing, and perfecting the Fat Burning Furnace program and the 15-minute miracle with his wife Kalen. The FBF Diet is very well researched and Rob’s results and those of thousands of happy Fat Burning Furnace customers speak for themselves.
Fat Burning Furnace is our #1 reviewed diet and weight loss program for a reason – it’s very well designed, it’s easy to stick to, and it works!

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